



Crop insurance is a tool farmers can use to mitigate risk.

Farmers have noted crop insurance as their most important agriculture risk management tool. A licensed agent can provide additional information and assist you with insurance appropriate for your agricultural operation. Use this guide to learn more about insurance available to the agricultural sector.


  • 弗吉尼亚-封面1.200万英亩,提供670美元.200万美元的保护.
  • 西弗吉尼亚州-占地53,989英亩,提供25美元.800万的保护.
  • 马里兰州-占地835,085英亩,提供414美元.500万的保护费.
  • 全国- 2021年, more than 460 million acres of farmland were protected through the Federal 农作物保险 Program (FCIP).


Crop-Hail policies are provided directly to farmers by private insurers. 

  • 这些政策不是FCIP的一部分.
  • 保护高产作物免受冰雹损害.
  • 可以在生长季节的任何时候购买吗.

Multiple Peril 农作物保险 (MPCI) covers loss from all types of natural causes.

  • 必须在种植前购买吗
  • There are currently 15 private companies authorized to write MPCI policies under this FCIP authorized by the USDA 风险管理 Agency.
  • The federal 政府ernment also subsidizes the farmer-paid premiums to reduce the cost to farmers.



  1. 农民获得个性化的风险管理解决方案
  2. 农民可以用它作为贷款抵押品
  3. Farmers are involved in, and take responsibility for, risk management choices
  4. Farmers can use it to improve their pre-harvest marketing plans
  5. 农民以最及时的方式得到赔偿
  6. 农民不会收到不必要的超额付款
  7. Farmer indemnities are not capped by arbitrary payment limits
  8. 农民分担项目成本
  9. Farmers benefit from the efficiencies and service of the private sector delivery system
  10. Is comprehensive and program features can be adjusted quickly
  11. 已经为削减赤字做出了贡献
  12. Has flexibility to help meet world trade organization disciplines

Buying a livestock insurance policy is one agriculture risk management option. Producers should always carefully consider how a policy will work in conjunction with their other risk management strategies to insure the best possible outcome. (rma.美国农业部.政府)

A licensed agent can provide additional information and assist you with farming insurance appropriate for your agricultural operation.


饲养牛(LRP-Feeder Cattle)

  • 旨在防止市场价格下跌.
  • Choose from a variety of coverage levels and insurance periods.
  • Available for purchase throughout the year from 风险管理 Agency (RMA) approved livestock insurance agents.
  • Premium rates, coverage prices, and actual ending values are posted online daily.
  • Choose coverage prices ranging from 70 to 100 percent of the expected value.
  • 在保险期结束时, you get paid an indemnity for the difference between the coverage price and actual ending value.

奶业收入保护(Dairy- rp)

  • Designed to insure against unexpected declines in the quarterly revenue from milk sales relative to a guaranteed coverage level.
  • The expected revenue is based on futures prices for milk and dairy commodities, and the amount of covered milk production elected by the dairy producer.
  • Dairy-RP提供两种收益定价选项:
    • 课程定价选项
    • 组件定价选项
  • Coverage is established by adding quarterly coverage endorsements to the policy.



  • Provides protection against loss of gross margin (market value of livestock minus feed costs).
  • The indemnity at the end of the 11-month insurance period is the difference, 如果积极, between the gross margin guarantee and the actual gross margin.
  • LGM-Cattle insurance policy uses futures prices to determine the expected gross margin and the actual gross margin.
  • Prices are based on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group and are not based on market prices.
  • LGM-Cattle不为牛的死亡投保, unexpected increases in feed use or anticipated feed cost increases.
  • You can sign up for LGM-Cattle each week and insure all of the production that you expect to market over a rolling 11-month insurance period.
  • 牲畜毛利乳制品(LGM-Dairy):
  • The 牲畜毛利率 Insurance Plan for dairy cattle provides protection when feed costs rise or milk prices drop and can be tailored to any size farm.
  • Gross margin is the market value of milk minus feed costs.
  • LGM-Dairy使用玉米期货价格, 大豆粉, and milk to determine the expected gross margin and the actual gross margin.
  • There is no minimum or maximum number of hundredweights you can insure.
  • Prices for LGM-Dairy are based on simple averages of Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group futures contract daily settlement prices, and are not based on the prices you receive at the market.



访问 www.rma.美国农业部.政府 了解更多信息. Use the Agent Locator feature to search for an insurance agent and provider information.




These materials are provided for educational and informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice, 财务建议, 税务建议, 或任何投资建议. 这些材料可能不是最新的. You should not act or refrain from acting based on these materials or the information they contain without seeking legal advice from an attorney licensed in your jurisdiction or other appropriate professional. 弗吉尼亚农业信贷, ACA expressly disclaims any liability for all acts and omissions taken or made in reliance on these materials or any information contained in these materials.
